Due to the COVID restrictions during the past couple of years, our normal means of supporting the work of our congregations has been affected.
To offset this, we are offering alternative ways to donate money to help keep our expenses paid.
These include on-line e-transfers, donating using ‘Canada Helps’ an on-line charity providing a way to make on-line donations, Pre-authorized givings (PAG), and mailing donations.
Click below for more information and instructions for each.
Our Mission: To invite the Living Christ into our lives and to bear witness to God’s love for us by celebrating each person’s intrinsic value and by responding to the needs of our parish, our community and our world.
Sunday Services
(September through June)
9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Christ Church, Burritt’s Rapids
10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Holy Trinity, Merrickville