History of Holy Trinity Anglican Church,
A picture of the original Church that was replaced in 1908.
This picture comes from the collection of the late Margaret Carley.
The village of Merrickville was founded in 1793 and in 1993 the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Hon. N. R. Jackman, helped residents celebrate its Bi-centennial. As a congregation, the church was formed at around that time but the people met at first only when a visiting priest came through. In 1829 the first Rector, Henry Patton, was appointed and the church fully established. The first church was built in 1837.
Like the village, the church grew and a larger building became necessary with the result that in 1907 the decision was made to pull down the old building and rebuild. In 1908, on the 17th day of June, the cornerstone of the present church was laid. The trowel used is mounted in a case on the back wall of the church. At that time, it was known simply as Trinity Church.
The next great event in the history of this building and the congregation occurred in 1937. This was the centennial year of the church buildings and the year the debt was paid in full. The present building was consecrated to “The Glory of God Forever” by the Rt. Rev. John Lyons, Bishop of Ontario and given its present name, “The Church of the Holy Trinity.”
The years have come and gone but the memory of the saints who have laboured in love and passed on to us this beautiful building remains forever in our gratitude and thanksgivings. “Rest eternal grant unto them and may light perpetual shine upon them.”
Over the years, we have had 28 rectors or Priests in charge. Holy Trinity, along with our sister church, Christ Church in Burritt’s Rapids, make up the Parish of Merrickville. The present Rector, the Rev. Andrew Wilson is the 29th Rector of the parish.
We look forward to the future with joy and anticipation. We pray that we may be faithful in our ministry and that God will continue to Bless us as we continue in His Name.